

国际州立大学住房展, 由通勤生活赞助, is a great way to make Indiana State students and staff aware of the various off-campus housing options and resources in the Terre Haute community. It is also an avenue to provide students with tools to make informed decisions and prepare them for the responsibility associated with off-campus living.


房屋展将于周三举行。 2022年2月9日 从 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 美国东部时间. bc菠菜导航迪德一号霍尔曼纪念学生会. 办理登机手续将于上午10点开始.m.,我们要求你在 10:45 a.m.

Please note some of the following information is in response to operating the 住房公平 during the COVID-19 pandemic. 以下信息可能无法准确代表2022年住房博览会.

How will someone participate in the 住房公平 if they are uncomfortable or unable to be in-person?

今年的房展将分两部分举行. One part is the in-person 住房公平 hosted in the 霍尔曼纪念学生会. The other part is the virtual 住房公平 hosted on the 通勤生活 webpage. 该活动将于1月11日开始向与会者开放th -二月十七日th.

This page will include your organization’s name (hyperlinked to your webpage), 租金范围, 联系方式. 我们还将链接到您可用的最多两个虚拟片段, 例如:视频, 虚拟之旅, 电子广告, 或小册子. We will encourage attendees to come to the in-person 住房公平 to speak with you directly or contact you if they would feel more comfortable in a one-on-one setting.

What are the benefits of attending the 住房公平 and how do I register?

还有什么比这更好的方式来接触bc菠菜导航的学生和教职员工呢! Not only will your general information be in the Event Program Booklet and on the 通勤生活 webpage, but you also have the opportunity to purchase advertising space in the program. 你想参加2022年的住房博览会吗? 点击 在这里 今天注册!


The registration fee has been reduced to $50 per vendor and is applied to the overall cost of the event. 2021年12月2日之后将不再退款. 



  • 一张6英尺的桌子和一把椅子
  • 活动计划手册**中的单元简介**
  • 网上单位简介(限1月11日至2月17日)
  • 校园停车代金券一张(需提前预约)

* The Unit Profile is a description containing general information such as name of organization, address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 办公时间, 网站, 租赁选项, 以及所需的存款金额.

** 活动计划手册是8.5 x 5.5 in. 并将作为外卖和资源分发给展会与会者.

How will the in-person event be modified to provide for health of vendors and attendees?

现场房展活动将修改如下 霍尔曼纪念学生会, bc菠菜导航以及当地卫生部门的指导方针. 预计会有以下更改.

  • The number of people allowed in the space will be limited to allow for social distancing.

    • Vendors are allowed to only have one representative working their table at a given time (you can choose to split the time or rotate with other staff).
    • 如果房间已达到限制容量, 与会者将被要求在室外等候,直到有空位.
  • Tables will be spaced out around the room and attendees will be asked to move in one direction.
    • 与会者不应聚集在桌子周围, but instead approach on an individual basis (those in small connected groups, 比如室友, 可以一起移动).
  • Masks that cover the mouth and nose are required to be worn at all times by vendors and attendees.
    • Please note: You are required to wear a mask while in the 霍尔曼纪念学生会, 而在校园里,社交距离是不可能的.
    • 你需要离开这个空间才能摘下你的口罩吃东西. Mask may be removed momentarily to drink after confirming at least no one is within 6 feet of you. 我们建议您带一根吸管喝饮料.
  • 不鼓励赠送和施舍
    • The event program booklet will be provided virtually to students through QR codes or short links to access 从 their phones or computers. 不提供小册子的实物副本. 我们鼓励供应商也使用QR码, 短网址, or lay out documents that students can photograph with their phone camera.
    • If providing giveaways or handouts items they must be distributed through a “grab and go” method (ie. Place items on a table allowing attendees to pick them up without making contact with you or with a giveaway item other than the one they are taking).
    • We encourage you to bring hand sanitizer for use between visiting with attendees and before handling any giveaway items.
    • 不应向与会者提供食品.
  • Vendors and attendees are required to complete and display the green check 从 the Health Assessment Survey before entering the space (emailed out the morning of the in-person 住房公平).
    • 请注意:我们正在按照当前的指导方针来计划这次活动. Guidelines may change or the event may be canceled based on given requirements and guidelines.
    • We reserve the right to refuse entrance or ask vendors and attendees to leave the 住房公平 for not following the guidelines outlined.


Print out a copy of the email registration confirmation and include with the check. Make check out to bc菠菜导航 with 通勤生活 in the memo line and mail to:

Terre Haute, IN 47809


Call the office directly at (812) 237-8684 and be prepared to provide Credit Card information for Visa or MasterCard. If we are away 从 the phone, please leave a voicemail about best time to return your call. 校园开放时间为平日上午8点至下午4点30分.

Once your payment is received and processed, we will notify you via e-mail.


12月2日以后收到报名和付款, 2021不保证在项目手册中有单位简介. Registration for the 住房公平 will not be accepted after 2021年12月2日.


If you choose to advertise in the Event Program Booklet, please email the PDF to 黛布拉.barber@anchoragedev.com. We also ask that your advertisement be at 300 dpi resolution if possible. Due to the time frame of preparing publications, all advertisements must be received by 2021年12月2日 以确保参加活动. 以下价格不包括注册费.

全页广告尺寸:4.5 x 7.5 in - $60

半页广告尺寸:4.5 x 3.75 in - $50


方便在校园内停车, we will provide one parking voucher (if requested) to park in any student or staff lot on campus. 您将在房展登记时收到一张停车券.  If you choose to park in a metered spot, or a pay lot, you are responsible for the charges. 付费地段包括霍尔曼纪念学生会北边的地段, 西部游客付费停车场, 和樱桃街的停车场. A campus parking map will be provided showing you the closest lots for parking.

How will the 住房公平 be promoted to ISU students and the campus community?

A variety of promotional methods will be used to promote the 住房公平, including:

  • 在线广告:国际滑联网页和社交媒体
  • 校园里的海报和桌帐
  • 全校范围内的电子邮件发送给所有的学生,教师和工作人员
  • 网上大学日历
  • Television ads in the 霍尔曼纪念学生会 and classroom buildings throughout campus
